
I am really getting into GTD and can see the difference it can make. BUT i am now stuck on projects. I have many complex projects with mulitiple action steps. Can anyone advise me on the following:

1. If I outline a project with a number of actions - do I just transfer the next action to a next action list @home @work etc.. OR do I transfer all the actions required to the next action list.

2. Do people update their project plans as soon as they have completed the next action i.e. note on the project that the action is complete?

3. What tool to people use to manage projects? MS Word?

Thanks Guys! :roll:


one more thing

the weekly review implies that you only review the projects then - say I complete a NA for a given project - do I then go across to the project and select/create a next action or wait till the next review !!!?


1. I transfer two or three next actions to the appropriate context lists as long as they are independent of one another. That way, if I don't have time to write a letter (or I'm simply not in the mood), I can choose between multiple next actions and maybe make a telephone call instead to keep the project moving. Some projects have only one next action listed but many have more than one. Some people prefer to only list one next action at a time. Either way works under GTD, as long as it works for you and you are not listing ALL your next actions (your list would probably be too unwieldy).

2. If I have time, I will move a new next action onto the context lists when I complete one. If I'm busy, however, I catch up at my next weekly review or when I otherwise have a window of opportunity.

3. I keep a list of projects in the memo section of my Palm with very limited project support information, ideas or future next actions. I don't use any special project management software. If I want to outline, I do it in Word, and I have a physical file for most projects with in-depth project support material.



I transfer my NAs as the preceding is completed. Using Shadowplan to hold seperate project lists and one Master List makes it easy to do this. Shadow's feature to send an item from one list to another really makes this child's play.
The appropiate NAs show up in my master list tagged in their appropiate context (eliminating multiple list surfing and reviewing during the day) and when checked off in the masterlist they are also checked off in their Parent project list. I am then ready to move the next action to the masterlist.
A very underrated and seldom discussed feature of Shadowplan handheld is the "Next Step" highlight feature. When invoked in any list it always higlights the next due unchecked child of a parent. So you always have the NA bolded by default.
Hope I helped.
