Questions covered in August QA with the Coaches


Kelly | GTD expert
We just posted the replay of the Q&A with the Coaches Webinar. Watch now.

Here are the questions we covered:

1. What are the common pitfalls when implementing GTD?
2. Do you put every next action on your lists including things that you probably will not get to for months (but then have long next action lists)?
Only put things on your next action lists that you want to or could reasonably do in the next... week? Two weeks? Month?
3. How do you deal with tasks that have no set due date, but need to be done soon, and not lose them in the lists?
4. With the recent crash of my hard drive and other times that have been hugely stressful, I seem to be drawn to a paper system almost immediately, at least for a while. Is this a sign that maybe paper is the way to go permanently for me?
5. Any ideas or tips about applying GTD models to large (read: intimidating) writing projects, e.g. scientific reports.
6. Where is the best place for agenda/discussion items that are related to projects?
7. How relevant will breaking out next actions by context remain in our perpetually connected world?
8. I like to get things done as soon as I am able to, bu I have found that to give a cushion of time before doing is sometimes the best
strategy. Any comments from your experience?
9. How do you implement GTD on Outlook and still keep your privacy? [Outlook items are exposed/shared over Exchange server]
10. Would setting up two Outlooks for GTD (on two separate laptops - office and personal) undermine the efficiency factor of GTD?
11. We are trying to sell eProductivity to our IT dept., so that we can have it on our computers(as we took the demo and it was
AWESOME), do you have any measurements that indicate by having eProd. actually increased productivity?
12. I do GTD, how do I pursuade those around me to integrate with the GTD system (I have given up trying to get them to implement it!)
13. Any recommendations for Linux based GTD tools - apart from Remember the Milk?
14. Currently using palm pilot with mac. can you recommend something that is more integrated?
15. You guys have given great advice for whittling down email and getting it under control. How about read review stacks that I've let build up over the years (crazy maker)....any advice?
16. Are there any recommended tools for implementing GTD on a MAC?

Enjoy! We'll do another one of these in November or December. If you have a question you'd like us to cover (and can wait until then!) please send it along to me by email or post here to the Forums.
