Ready? The Best is yet to Come - new webinar with David Allen and Kelly Forrister

Also it bears repeating the notion 'no problems just projects' i have a parenting issue that is making me crazy and I just started it as a project and did a small plan and i think i have a handle on it. I had heard that before but it really stuck out this time.
i had a HUGE epiphany while listening to this - i have several projects on my list that i just am totally numb to. They are all related to personal finance. I realized that the only reason i have 'gain financial freedom' on my horizons was because Kelly had it on hers! (or someone did) and it really isn't that much of a focus for me. ITS A FAKE HORIZON so no wonder i DONT WANT TO DO THEM. So i'm gonna change it to 'try to start caring more about personal finance' or something like that and really investigate where this is is coming from.

Fantastic awareness!
i had a HUGE epiphany while listening to this - i have several projects on my list that i just am totally numb to. They are all related to personal finance. I realized that the only reason i have 'gain financial freedom' on my horizons was because Kelly had it on hers! (or someone did) and it really isn't that much of a focus for me. ITS A FAKE HORIZON so no wonder i DONT WANT TO DO THEM. So i'm gonna change it to 'try to start caring more about personal finance' or something like that and really investigate where this is is coming from.

Hi Suzanna, the webinar on Unsticking Projects may be useful if you ever find another that's not moving.

I like "try to start caring" -- it reminded me of an episode of Reno 911 where a residents asks the deputies if they will catch the thief. One deputy answers, "We aim to try." I have a house project that I need to try to start caring more about.