Reference system involving larger items



Sometimes for projects, mainly those of "cleanup ___", I would have some larger items related to the project, such as maybe a chair or something like that. Technically, that would count as "project support material", however, where would I put that?



James M

Doesn't it fit in your In tray?

I usually append a note to the related task title, e.g. "Take wicker chair to Bob's house [IN GARAGE]"

Then it's captured and I don't need to make an effort to know where it is. And there's a reminder about it in my trusted system.


Technically, that would count as "project support material", however, where would I put that?
I get a lot of those. I have designated drop zones for large physical items of project support. They are located in each of the major areas/location where I generate that. A few of them I just note the current location in the note about the project or the action.

Project is to repair thea luminum irrigation pipe
Next Action is wire stabalizers to all the sprinkler riser connectors
Note on that action says (rebar for stabalizers at Juniper 2 next to the tank barn, use the fence wire in fence repair bucket in hay barn, Fence tool in garden bucket on back porch) etc.