Relevant Checklists


Hi, I started using GTD last summer. It has made a tremendous difference in my life! I've always considered myself "organizationally impaired". GTD is the only system that I've been able to really grasp and implement. I don't know what "belt" I am, I just know I'm much more relaxed and am learning new things that I always wanted to try (like bookbinding) but felt overwhelmed with too much to do. I first heard about GTD through the Shadow website. I use Shadow for checklists and for tracking projects (I love the "Next Step Only" view!), as well as DayNotez, ToDoPlus, Diddlebug, iCal, and Mail.

One thing I've always been confused over though is "Review Any Relevant Checklists", and I always skip that in my Weekly Review because I don't know what to review in that context. I like checklists, I used to fly small planes when I was in my twenties and I discovered the value of checklists! But I don't understand what kinds of checklists are relevant to the Weekly Review and I'm hoping someone can help...



I've been doing telecoaching with Meg and this topic came up. For me, many things in my life are "ongoing" i.e. things where there is no definite end, so they cannot be projects e.g. pilates, yoga, etc. This would also apply to new habits you are trying to instill, or old habits you are trying to stop. So one way to deal with these is to have them as checklists so that during the weekly review you can see how you are doing with them and what you want to work on for the next week.



More Checklist Ideas

I don't always think "checklist" is the most accurate term, because my list of key relationships, my work goals and responsibilities, affirmations, thoughts to stimulate my own thinking, my "to read" list ... they all qualify as checklists. Those are what I review during my weekly review.


Jason Womack

some checklists I review (weekly, quarterly, semi-annually)

Hi there,

My "key client relationships" checklist is one I look at in my weekly review. As I go down each client (person or company) I ask myself, "Is there any outstanding business with them? Do I need to follow up? Or, is anyone waiting for me?" Occassionally, I am "reminded" that I need to do something, that next action them becomes a call or e-mail.

My "areas of focus/interest" is one I look at every 4-6 weeks. I don't have a reminder of when to look at these, it's more of an organic process. Here I have things like "health/vitality," "financial abundance," "homeownership." Again, I go through that list ensuring all current projects are captured in the system.

As a company, we get together physically twice a year for "staff meetings." The month or so before each meeting, I have a "roles/goals" list I review; I do this to prepare for the meeting. I usually come up with a few topics to discuss at the meeting, things that have crept into relavance over the previous 3-4 months.

So, checklists, or "to read" lists, whatever they are called, serve as external reminders to "check in" with how you're doing across the levels of life and work you're involved in....