Routine Household Stuff



I am thinking about blocking out a couple hours on a weekend and calling it 'clean house' just to get the routine tasks done and over with. Currently I have a lot of repeating next actions in my @home action list. I try to do one or two a day, but that doesn't always work and I end up with a long list of @home chores to do because they keep piling up (I change the due date to a week or two in the future after I complete the task). It is easier for me to 'get on a roll' and really do some cleaning than to do a quick hit here and there. Anyone care to share any motivational tips for cleaning the house? Do you use next actions or do you schedule a cleaning appointment? I suppse it comes down to personal preference. Or I could just hire a maid :)


Another thing that helps is a category of
@ Housework or @ Cleaning.

That helps me figure out what I need to do.



This may not work for everyone, but I pretty much keep my 'home routine' separate from the rest of GTD system. For me, the key to making that work though, is the 'routine'.

I work 40+ hours a week, but 9-10 hr days M-Th and a short day on Friday, so that is routinely my cleaning day. In SplashShopper on my Palm I have a 'homeRoutine' database set up where I can sort by weekly, monthly, semi-monthly, etc. chores. Similar to FlyLady I can also sort by my 'get home' routine (what I do right after I get home from work), 'before-bed' routine and 'morning' routine. It's sounds more complicated than it is. Once it's set up in the program it's as simple as sorting. I did it on paper before and it worked then as well.

What I do on my caledar is have a recurring non-timed appt. (this is within Outlook, but also works on a paper) each friday called "weekly chores", "montly chores", etc. depending on what Friday of the month it is. It's colored differently than all my other appts., to set it apart and not confuse it with the rest of my 'sacred' calendar space.

When we have children, if I continue to work once they're school-age, I'll be hiring a maid and passing along my ideas to him/her. :wink: