Routine Reminders/palm tickler - good for household stuff



My household is in a bit of chaos and I looked at the fly lady ideas and found it not quite my 'style' - I know it works well for a lot of people - however I can't stand the thought of those cards - more paper :)) besides I am in love with my Tungsten and couldn't believe she/it couldn't solve my lack of routine for me.
I think I've found a solution that will work for me so thought to share it. I knew that I was needing reminders to do things on a regular basis - otherwise I was finding they were being ignored on the domestic side but I didn't want to have the reminders overflowing on my daily work/family schedule.
I set up a separate key suite folder of tasks and just entered the tasks in as recurring - new folder called routine reminders. As it is a non primary folder in outlook I don't get outlook alarms and I"m happy with that - but the palm does ring bells and tell me 'change sheets - kids bedrooms' - and with keysuite I can also regenerate the task after completion if it is not critical that it be done on a certain day of the week. eg I might clean my oven once a month but it doesn't have to be a i just regenerate 1 month after completion.
Sorted by due date, it's an easy system so far and hope it continues to work.


Re: Routine Reminders/palm tickler - good for household stu

I am in love with paper. I collect it in fact, and I'm an origami enthusiast. So there are no PDAs in my future.

I was going to explain another thing I do with my recurrent task system, which might also work with yours.

In my card file, I have cards that remind me to spend time in a particular context. In particular, I have cards for making phone calls and doing paperwork. Otherwise I would manage to avoid those contexts for weeks on end. I don't work on Tuesdays, so Tuesday mornings are devoted to phone calls. For someone else this might be overkill, but it's what I have to do. These are household-related calls such as calling to get estimates for home/landscape maintenance, scheduling/rescheduling appointments for self and kids, ordering things over the phone, calling bankers, lawyers, accountants, whatever. I usually don't make personal calls from work.

I'm thinking that in the future I won't need to do this. Part of the reason I have to do it this way right now might be that I still have a backlog of stuff from before I converted to this system. But it has helped me reduce the backlog considerably, from over 50 phonecalls to under 20.



Flying with my PDA

I've been working this through with my PDA (I use a pocket PC) as well.
What I've been doing is setting up appointments for the Zones. A week long All day appointment for this week is Zone 4 - Master Bedroom. This shows on the top of my day all week, that way I know where my focus should be.

Hope this helps.



Just to clarify, the Flylady ( system doesn't require cards -- it's a modification of the Pam & Peggy "SHE" system, which does.

My Flylady adaptation is all Palm and Life Balance. I have one calendared task per week, which happens on Sunday - this tells me which zone to work in.

Each zone task has various children, which are Next Actions. (Dust ceiling fan, clean window, vacuum baseboards, etc.) I work my way through these during the week. Breaking down "clean living room" into more specific Next Actions really helped make the job manageable, knowing that I never have enough free time to do the job as a block. People who have more free time or are less intimidated might not need the breakdown. :)

At the end of the week, I check off that zone and start on the next one. Everything repeats monthly, and the house stays sanitary enough to suit me.


Routine Reminders/palm tickler - good for household stuff

There is a handy little program for the Palm called CheckList Lite. Allows for tasks to be grouped, and checked / cleared as needed. The help screen show it came from: if that helps.

In it I keep my Daily / Weekly / Monthly tasks for the servers I manage. Since you can see what was done / not done in the routine it makes my review at the end of day much easier - know what is left. Does not sync to the desktop.

Of course the use of DateBk5 / Agendus / Shadow / Bonasi etc with repeating todo's work.

Side note Manana is used for Someday/Maybe, holding bin for NextActions that I can move to tasks when they become 'active'.