setting up outlook



Help, I'm perplexed! I know how to use my calendar in Outlook, but how do I set up the folders (i.e. projects, someday/maybe, etc.) and where? Also, am I the only one who is having trouble understanding the GTD procedure?


Setting up Outlook

In outlook - the way I've set it up is like this:

Projects, context lists, Someday/Maybe lists -- are all tasks in Outlook.
Checklists and notes -- go into the notes section of Outlook.

At the bottom of the Task window there is a button for Categories. If you click the button you can set up your own categories. Here's my category list:

I've also taken out all the categories that I'm not using in Outlook.

Hope that helps.


It might help to think of what you're doing in Outlook as simply making lists. Toss the ideas and associations you have with the concepts of "tasks," "to dos," etc. out. Using the categories in Outlook and then sorting everything recorded as a task is functionally the same as writing "@Calls" at the top of a piece of paper and then listing all of the next actions associated with that context. The same thing applies with a list of Projects, if you keep track of them in a "list" that really is a set of entries under the same category.

I hope that made sense, and didn't confuse you more.
