
Has anyone used the Simple*ology method as presented by Mark Joyner? I listen to the audiobook and I can see some areas fitting in with GTD. It deals with clearing you plate so you can focus on specific targets or projects. The way it deals with tasked is to do it, deliberate, or dump it. It also stresses that tasks to be tied to a specific goal or project. The to-do list cannot be tasks without a context. I found the book interesting and would like to hear from any others who have had exposure to it.

I read the book and quite honestly was not that impressed with it. When I read a book I basically do one of three things. Keep it (or buy it if I checked it out from the library) if I believe it has life changing insights, make notes in a journal of key ideas or points if some of it has value, then sell the book back or return it, or sell it or return it without making notes, which is what I did with this one

There wasn't anything in it I hadn't seen before, or that was that impactful on me.

Of course your mileage may vary.