Slice of GTD Life with Ariadne

I think I mentioned I had a link on my blog for that Excel template, you can find it at the end of this post here:
So great excel I love it ! It is the best I've ever seen. Very inspiring and the file is just great ! Marvelous job for implementing GTD and plans with excel.
By the way, @Ariadne Marques congratulation for your blog very interesting too. Also like what how you explained Nirvana which is on my opinion a very good software for GTD. It's very funny, i notice my Omnifocus is very close with what you did with your Nirvana. I Guess it's because GTD principle are universals...
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So great excel I love it ! It is the best I've ever seen. Very inspiring and the file is just great ! Marvelous job for implementing GTD and plans with excel.
By the way, @Ariadne Marques congratulation for your blog very interesting too. Also like what how you explained Nirvana which is on my opinion a very good software for GTD. It's very funny, i notice my Omnifocus is very close with what you did with your Nirvana. I Guess it's because GTD principle are universals...
Hi FocusGuy!
Can you please tell me, how does GTD work well across tools like Excel, Nirvana, and OmniFocus, and what makes them effective for planning and productivity?