specific and simple app for Windows Mobile


I started a new post because I am now closer to knowing what im looking for thanks to those who helped me in the last one. this kind of app or plug in is too simple not to exist. bellow is everything

- be able to input simple tasks with no do date, alarm or anything, just text basically
- have multiple lists within lists, like folders within folders that you can customize as you please.
-be able to move information from one list to another easily ( as simple as 'move to' or 'copy and paste' )
-completed task disappear or go invisible.
-something not web based, i dont have the data plan and dont need email. I dont need it to sync with anything.

oh, and I have Windows Mobile 6.1. If anyone has ANY ideas of anything similar to this, please let me know. Thx in advance.:mrgreen:


The closest thing I can think of is to just use folders and text files on your phone. There are some pretty good free text editors out there. Not sure how you would make the completed items disappear automatically, but that would meet your other requirements.


One other thought/question...were you using Categories on tasks in your first implementation trial with Outlook Mobile?


Try this. been using it for quite some time now. text based tree with folders. and you can open and edit the txt files with normal file explorer. and it has ppc and pc version.

