still no tool for GTD


I've tried toodledo, nozbe, tracks, and most recently vitalist and my life organized. All seem to fall short in one way or another. My primary objective is to have something that is accessible from anywhere on the web


tedpenner;67441 said:
I've tried toodledo, nozbe, tracks, and most recently vitalist and my life organized. All seem to fall short in one way or another. My primary objective is to have something that is accessible from anywhere on the web

Well, you left out Remember the Milk :). If your primary objective is to have a tool accessible from anywhere on the web, you certainly have tried a few. I assure you that Toodledo and Remember the Milk can be used effectively and flexibly as GTD list managers. So what's really the problem?


I would question "to have something that is accessible from anywhere on the web" as your primary objective. I would think that it's more of a "would be ideal if it allows me to really GTD and feel on top of my world". Don't cut your options short...

I speak from experience where I was SURE I had to revolve my GTD system around email management cause I get so many of them and I send so many of them. So I bought the outlook add-on. For nearly 18 months I struggled with making that system work for me that I reevaluated what I was trying to do and decided to go with paper. Within 3 weeks and 3 weekly reviews I new I had found what I was looking for. And my assumption that my system had to revolve around email management was a bad one.

So I would ask why your system HAS to be web-based? If it really does, fine --- but don't assume you haven't found the right inside to see if it's not you that's holding you back.

Easy for me to say..............and I know you didn't ask for all that. So take or leave anyone...but I thought if there is a chance I might save you some time and trouble....

Good luck!



Hi tedpenner,

The main problem with all tools is that the work still need to be done.
That's why I think that Smartphone+Outlook+Gmail Web Access all together cover more than 80% of all requirements in GTD Management system. The rest is not so important and you can focus on task not on the tools.


Why web based?

tedpenner;67441 said:
I've tried toodledo, nozbe, tracks, and most recently vitalist and my life organized. All seem to fall short in one way or another. My primary objective is to have something that is accessible from anywhere on the web

Unless your tool lets you sync your data local, so you can carry it in your pocket when you don't have a PC and your smart phone can't get a signal, your @errands list is never going to get done...



apastuszak;67596 said:
Unless your tool lets you sync your data local, so you can carry it in your pocket when you don't have a PC and your smart phone can't get a signal, your @errands list is never going to get done...


Toodledo, Nozbe, and Remember the Milk all have a local data store on the iPhone. RTM has an app for Blackberry, but I am not familiar with it. Somehow I don't think that's the problem.


Check out ToBeeDo. It's a new service, we have not so much features, but we are still working on it.