TaskMailer for BlackBerry - quickly email an task


Hey guys,

you might already know that I am using NextAction! on my BlackBerry for GTD. The maker of NextAction! just started an open and free beta test for a new app called TaskMailer. I am using it successfully on my BB Curve (8320) which makes it f*** easy to email a task to my desktop task program (Apple Mail & iCal).

Just in case someone is interested: http://www.s4bb.com/the-beta-program/#taskmailer


Thanks a lot for mentioning our new productivity app funkym.

We have just released a new beta version of the TaskMailer. New features since version 1.2.0:
  • Even slimmer design than version 1.1.0.
  • Task can now be mailed out with just 2 clicks.
  • Everything is in one screen (makes it faster to use); categories are wrapped up.
  • EMail address can be entered directly; sending will be done in background.
  • Font size is adjustable.
  • Bug fixes: priority handling fixed, due date time issue (1h difference) fixed.

The beta test program is open and free for everyone. So feel free guys to join and check it out. We appreciate any thoughts about TaskMailer as well as NextAction!.