TaskMerlin software?

Jamie Elis

am looking at TaskMerlin

I am exploring TaskMerlin. It seems to me to be a way of organizing a lot of information in a hierarchy, if one wishes, with the ability to search it in different ways and coordinate it with other functions, such as calendar, data base. . I think it is probably suitable for GTD, but I do not have the knack of it yet, Initially it seemed easy to learn to use, however, since I have only worked with fairly flat lists, it is pretty challenging for me to learn its vocabulary, functions, and icons.

I am stuck in windows environment. I have very little email to process. I do need to coordinate next actions with projects in a visible way and readily see the actions I have identified and refer to other information. Maybe there is something more suitable.

I would be very interested in knowing why no one has posted anything about this software? Maybe because it is not compatible with a smart phone? I am not saying it is not.
