Thread about "context as tags" page in Asana guide With advice from Cfoley


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I share image


As shown in the guide paper version - which doesn't show correct up to date Asana- for example in the first smaller image "get GTD + runnining " or "go to Thahiti" I presume are just types of tasks (which are grouped together in category) and ones in no project are less important:

on the second image - it shows examples using the tags on right off screen - but that is not how up to date version of asana actually showed - I would think the display shown in this older version is actually better (then what I shown in first print screen above, my print screen image - because (from that view shown you can't quickly see the GTD list - in order try figure out what Tag (GTD list) it is, you would need to know it by heart/memory , or manually select - right ?
see image:450442699_1562444961317454_1787751425662878900_n(1)(12).png

... (WRONG)
writing that right now - quickly playing/searching settings, saw in hid tab - you need to manually select tabs to be selected on for this feature


and @cfoley wrote ""Great. Take a few minutes and write down everything that is on your mind regarding health, money and organisation. Put what you wrote down in your inbox and congratulations, you have captured those things. Don't worry about writing down everything that you could possibly think of. Just go for..."

So the best thing to do - would use this method?
and put all these grouped ideas - into one project on this new "context as tags work place " - right

The things you capture should not go into a project.

The things you capture should go into an inbox -- either digital or physical.

When you clarify them, some of them may become a project.
The things you capture should not go into a project.
But the thing is - with the Asana work place
Everything in the Asana software is in "projects" - I could try show more of the interface (if - that would help clear up misunderstanding)

In the first instructions setting up a work place - it wrote something one project you can create "mind sweep" probably for this purpose to act as an "inbox" different to all other projects, serve as a different function (to all other projects)

"hings you capture should not go into a project." - well you could just do something name 1 project digital inbox - in Asana you can do things such as actually add on project task afterwards - into another (by selecting that option afterwards)
The things you capture should go into an inbox -- either digital or physical.
Asana could be seen as a form of a digital inbox " s
When you clarify them, some of them may become a project.
Yes, if everything in Asana is organised into projects, then it is perfectly fine to make an "Asana project" to use as a "GTD inbox".

'few minutes and write down everything that is on your mind regarding health, money and organisation. '

with money - its basically the things related to chelation protocol

words in head say in theory then - its best I focus as much of my time on this, invest in this (e.g. properly being able to review rate my supplements) ?

or would help focus on organization and my whole train of work to do with GTD things :('
I can't choose that for you, I am afraid.

"Dear Cfoley thanks for continuing to reply to me in this fourm

I had it in this thread you replied back - your not sure its worth I continue to read over the guide

'I had it in my short term memory you also probably didn't think it was best - I uploaded a MP4 of the GTD guide

but a voice in my head was saying (I think it could be one of best things, important for organization"

"Reasons ask c foley

Willing listen adams sana (asana) recordings? (probably not

Or at least your written pointers taken from them? ( I shouold presume"
The reason I don't think you should spend more time with the Asana guide just now is because you have already read it several times. I recommend practising the GTD process until it becomes a habit. Once it is a habit, then it might be worth reading the Asana guide again.

The reason I don't think that uploading an mp4 of the GTD guide to the forum is that the forum is for discussion. Your stated purpose is organisation. If that is the case, then storing it in a personal drive is probably best.

These are just my opinions. You can ignore them if you want to.
The reason I don't think you should spend more time with the Asana guide just now is because you have already read it several times. I recommend practising the GTD process until it becomes a habit. Once it is a habit, then it might be worth reading the Asana guide again.
Because of my problem with brain fog, neurological disorder

I feel like I haven't been able to comprehend certain information by "looking at the text in guide in past"
In order for habit to take place - you need to build positive reinforcement "Have you ever herd the habit cycle? - reminder , cue , habit reward" comes to mind
Which I wasn't able to do

The reason I don't think that uploading an mp4 of the GTD guide to the forum is that the forum is for discussion. Your stated purpose is organisation. If that is the case, then storing it in a personal drive is probably best.
Okay I should keep stored in personal drive
I just thought It could help others also in discussion - having the mp4 ?
These are just my opinions. You can ignore them if you want to.

I see - that you didn't answer certain questions in previous text "
