Tickler suggestings
While reading the paper, if you see a play or a movie or something else you might like to do over the weekend, tear out the article or ad and put it in your tickler for the appropriate Friday. When Friday comes, you can schedule the event in or toss the ad, depending on what else is going on that weekend.
To remind me to check my tickler file the next morning, in the evening I stick a Post-It note saying "Tickler" on my PDA case. Once, I've checked my tickler, I move the Post-It to my monitor to remind me to put it on my PDA again that night.
While reading the paper, if you see a play or a movie or something else you might like to do over the weekend, tear out the article or ad and put it in your tickler for the appropriate Friday. When Friday comes, you can schedule the event in or toss the ad, depending on what else is going on that weekend.
To remind me to check my tickler file the next morning, in the evening I stick a Post-It note saying "Tickler" on my PDA case. Once, I've checked my tickler, I move the Post-It to my monitor to remind me to put it on my PDA again that night.