Tickler File System (Letter size) 3x5 index cards


I started using the good ole tickler filing system using letter sized folders in my filing cabinet. I like to also use 3x5 cards for the daily to do's etc.
Is anyone using both, and what I mean are you putting a 3x5 card in a future letter sized tickler file for future use?
At first i started just a 3x5 tickler system and i liked the fact that I can just grab a stack for that day and run. Now I guess I need to go into the letter sized file grab any documents and grab any 3x5's laying in there.
Any suggestions???


you did ask if anyone was using both ...

Maybe that's why there's no replies? Personally I haven't used an index card for 20 years, but then I am a digital geek!


gator;82622 said:
Anybody have an idea

This is just another data point, but Levenger used to make various nice leather pads with functionality for both letter-size paper and 3x5 cards. They don't make them anymore. Sometimes a way of doing things is not a bad way, but times change. Look at Franklin Covey, and the changes in what they stock in their stores- it's not clear to me they have a business model that's viable in the long run.


I may not really understand your question.
If you use letter-sized tickler files, it makes no difference whether you put a letter-sized document in it, or a 3 x 5, or any other size.
I have a letter-sized tickler file. I put docs of all sizes in there -- postcards I get announcing upcoming events, coupons I want to think about using before they expire, doctor appointment cards (business card size) and some 2 x 2 notes where I captured my thoughts. I have a stack of 2 x 2 notes on my desk as a capture tool.

In the beginning I put dollar bills in the tickler randomly as an incentive to get me to check the tickler every day. I also put in randomly drawings my kids made. This way, on some days I get a warm fuzzy moment when I check the tickler and pull out a drawing.

As I have refined my use of ticklers over the past 8 years of using them, I now have only 12 ticker files, one for each month, that I check on the first of each month. It just suits me better this way, I have no strong argument for or against the more traditional 43 files. If there is really an important date-related document, I put an event in my Lotus Notes calendar to remind me, with the hard-copy in the tickler. This way I see it coming in my weekly reviews.
