Tracking items in multiple places in Outlook?


I feel overwhelmed with maintaining my Outlook GTD system. For example, I track my projects with a .PROJECTS category in the task list. If I send and email regarding that project it automatically gets saved in my @Waiting For email folder. When I do that, should I move the task out of .PROJECTS and into @Waiting For? I then have to track both the task and the emails. There are other task categories with the same name as an email folder that raise the same question. Do Outlook GTD users need to review both their email folders and their task list on a regular basis?

I'm getting re-energized in implementing my GTD system and I've signed up for the Outlook webinar, but it's not until the end of October and I don't want to slow my momentum by waiting until then to get my answers.



I always refer to my tasks lists for action reminder information; and I keep any related action support information in my email folders (@Action Support, @Waiting For, etc.)... (I'll always make a note in the task itself if there is information associated with the action, and where it can be found (both digital and paper-based).

For example, for waiting fors I always copy myself on emails, and then create a task as the Waiting For reminder. I don't just dump it into a Waiting For folder. The key is to make sure there aren't action reminders buried elsewhere, and that they're all captured in your lists somehow.