trying to use Leos B article on learning new skills to implement James Clear habit tracking template into my life


Tim, I'd love to see the format food dude shared that interested you so much. Can you re-post it here?

You say you have been dwelling on this format for months, so it sounds like you enjoy it very much and would like to give it a try. Is something standing in your way?


I just use lists. I have a project list several context lists with the very next action in context That is my whole system. I use Apple calendar for day specific items. 1739994284889.png1740055469318.png1739994385780.png

Thanks for posting this, fooddude. While I'm not into dark mode, I like the apparent simplicity of your system. I've heard you say that you've crafted your system to be a simple as possible, while still meeting your needs. and it certainly looks simple on the surface. I have a lot of questions, in case you have time.

Does your system have folders and tags and dates and hidden items that will pop up later, or is it just bare bones the way it looks?

Does Apple Calendar include a calendar as well as the lists?
Do calendar items get put on one of your lists?
Do you keep your lists separate from your calendar and refer to them separately without integation into a dashboard or today or this week list?

Each of those contexts, and what looks like agendas for different people, - are they lists you can open, like your@computer?

Do you keep Project files or Project support materials anywhere?
If not, how do you plan your Projects and remember the details?
Do you have any later actions for your Projects written down? If so, where?

Do you keep email separate and have a GTD system of folders there, too?

Do you have a reference file for notes and for everything that that needs a place to be put and to be found?

Does Apple Calendar use a text-based system, so your lists could be transferred to a .txt file?

Hey, thanks a lot for sharing, fooddude. Very interesting!

