Using Blackberry with GTDF


Has anyone been able to use a Blackberry and map the Outlook tasks viewed by Category as David Allen recommends? After sync'ing my new Blackberry 7510 to the laptop, I get all the tasks but can only sort by subject, status, etc. Any help would be much appreciated.


I still carry a Treo90 for this very reason (in addition to my 7230). The "Task" software for BB is very limited but is supposed to get better in their next release.

If anyone has seen better 3rd party software for the BB in this area, please direct us that way!



Blackberry for GTD

The only way to do this currently is to place a symbol for the context of the task at the beginning such as @C Mike 553-6220 for calls, etc. This works ok if you set tasks to sort by due date but is not as easy to use as a Palm or PPC. I do it for a while when I get tired of carrying two devices but usually go back to my PPC with Agenda Fusion.