Using only Evernote?

Stuart Rudner

Is there anyone that uses solely Evernote without any project or a task management software such as Asana? If so I would love to talk to you about how you do it because I'm currently trying to transition from using Asana and Evernote to only Evernote.

Dave Edwards



I used to use Evernote as my sole list manager. It's doable. I used the GTD setup guide available for purchase at the David Allen Company web site.

I never used Evernote tasks because they seemed to lack some of the fundamentals needed for GTD. The most important one was that they couldn't be easily assigned to a context. Yes, you could create a note for each context, but then you couldn't associate the tasks with a project note. In that case, I couldn't see an advantage over using another list manager.

Keep your eyes peeled for some major new developments with Evernote tasks, though. Bending Spoons is teasing some new functionality. It's too soon to say, but it's the sort of thing that could tempt me to use Evernote tasks for my GTD NA lists.

Claudia Volkman

I use Evernote for everything: projects, next actions, waiting for, someday/maybe, project support material, reference . . . I've found a lot of value in Stacey Harmon's material ( She has a lively Academy that has great references for GTD. I'm also an Evernote Certified Expert, so I'd be happy to coach you through my process.

Mark Aitken

I did the same as you for a period, lasted a year before I decided I wanted a separate task manager.

I found to be highly effective for GTD purely using Evernote. Basically it uses searches and tags to great effect.

For me, the mental gymnastics felt overly energetic, I had to think too much about the ”system” to use it - it got in the way.

Stuart Rudner

I use Evernote exclusively. I've also shared lots of videos on the subject on Youtube

And have an online course designed to show how I use GTD with Evernote:

What do you need to know?
Thanks. I am going to review the videos and course and will be in touch if I have more questions. I appreciate your help.