Interesting . . . 'research says' after a mere 48 hours beyond one's 'norm,' the benefits of the new begins to diminish/fade . . . as such is the human condition?As popular as a long summer vacation may be, it's not necessarily ideal for everyone. Reading our new GTD Perspectives article, you may find that you prefer more frequent short mini-breaks to one annual long vacation.
I don’t think I believe that 48 hours number. Maybe if you stay at the beach and tan, but new and wonderful is always good. Last Fall my wife and I spent not quite two weeks at the Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion, three awesome National Parks. Every day was great.Interesting . . . 'research says' after a mere 48 hours beyond one's 'norm,' the benefits of the new begins to diminish/fade . . . as such is the human condition?
@mcogilvieI don’t think I believe that 48 hours number. Maybe if you stay at the beach and tan, but new and wonderful is always good. Last Fall my wife and I spent not quite two weeks at the Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion, three awesome National Parks. Every day was great.
Technically, this is what we are talking about:@mcogilvie
Journeying through three different venues vs. remaining at a single venue significantly contributed in extending the vacation/venture satisfaction duration?
According to this book, the better path is:.
“Hedonic adaptation causes people to unexpectedly get accustomed to their accomplished goals. A few minutes, hours or, at most, days upon reaching a goal, positive feelings tend to disappear. If you have ever bought a new car, perhaps you were surprised to find that after a week you were beginning to take your new vehicle almost for granted. After a few days, your emotions were incomparably weaker than immediately following your purchase.”
Excerpt From
The End of Procrastination
Petr Ludwig & Adela Schicker
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I think there is some truth to this, but it is also true that five months after putting in a new patio, I still like it. Last week, on Labor Day in the US, I grilled salmon and corn and we ate outside because the weather was wonderful. Was my happiness due to intrinsic journey-based motivation or have I failed in my hedonic adaptation?intrinsic journey-based motivation:
This type of motivation, the third one I discuss, is based on the concept of having a personal vision. Unlike chasing goals, a process that we know is affected by hedonic adaptation, a vision is an expression of something lasting. A personal vision answers the question of how you would most like to spend your time in life. It focuses on actions, not results. It focuses on the journey, not the destination. As the old saying goes: “The journey is the destination.”
Another Excerpt From
The End of Procrastination
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