Webinar on Bending the Rules

Let me know when this is ready to download from the archives, John. I thoroughly enjoyed the presentation.

-David Drake
I've just posted the recording from today's webinar. If you weren't on for the live webinar, you've got a treat in store. Meg and Kelly had a lively discussion, with questions and comments from members, about how they've adapted their systems over the years. I took notes during the webinar on some topics to bring up on this discussion thread. But to get things started, here are the links to video and audio. I boosted the audio some, but if you think it's still low for listening during your drivetime, please let me know. There may be room to bring it up a bit more without distortion.



This webinar is also available in the GTD Connect Members-Only podcast feed.
This was an excellent webinar and discussion. When all have had time to listen/watch the webinar, I would love to participate in a discussion here of things I do that bend...maybe break...."the rules". But all in the realm of best practices. :)
Hi Longstreet! So glad you liked the webinar yesterday. Meg and I were chatting afterward about how fun it was for us. Good chance we'll team up to bring you more advanced webinars like that.

Another rule I didn't get a chance to mention is that sometimes I will capture a project on my Projects list, but not create a next action yet. Or capture something on my Next Actions list, but not figure out what the project is yet. I trust I'll get back to figuring out the next action or project when I have more time, brainwidth or in my Weekly Review, but at least I've got something captured in my lists about it.
Hi Kelly,

My comments yesterday focused on scheduling major next actions and/or projects directly on the calendar for blocked off time to work on them. I do this only with 1+ hour actions that require high energy and focus. I maintain a comprehensive next actions list, but by scheduling during my weekly review, it helps me plan my week. Do I need to change my plans on occasion? Of course -- new actions/projects arrive in my email that I decide are more important to now act on than what I had planned. As long as I keep my scheduling in control in terms of how much I schedule, it works for me. It is a fine balancing act, to say the least.
Howdy all! I have to admit this was my first LIVE webinar, and it was a hoot! It's so reassuring that I'm not the only "rebel" in the bunch as I have routinely broken a few of the rules since I got my personal system up, running, and humming. Looking forward to the coming discussions on how folks bend/break the rules to make their systems well oiled for them.

Have a great weekend!
Hrlakat said:
Howdy all! I have to admit this was my first LIVE webinar, and it was a hoot! It's so reassuring that I'm not the only "rebel" in the bunch as I have routinely broken a few of the rules since I got my personal system up, running, and humming. Looking forward to the coming discussions on how folks bend/break the rules to make their systems well oiled for them.

Have a great weekend!

I agree! There is something about the combo of Meg and Kelly that brings out the best in both of them. Their senses of humor really work well together! I laughed and laughed.
I'm halfway through and really enjoying it. Great idea for a Webinar - I don't know how many times I've heard or read "David says..."!!! Really, when you back up as far as you can, isn't it just "Work whatever repeatable process that gets you personally to 'Mind Like Water'"?!! :D
It was a delightful session with a lot of humor! I am looking forward to more discussion here about what people have done to "customize" their operation of GTD. :)
One idea particularly resonated with me, and I've implemented it already: two project lists.

My first project lists is the old familiar regular one, and a second one: ProjectsWithPromises. The first project list is not tied to a calendar -- the second one is outcomes and deliverables that I have promised to others and generally have timelines associated with them. The second one takes priority :)

Thanks Kelly and Meg.

We'll do another for you advanced GTD practitioners in February, and . . . beyond. I've got a list of topics, based on some recent conversations with our coaches.
Longstreet said:
It was a delightful session with a lot of humor! I am looking forward to more discussion here about what people have done to "customize" their operation of GTD. :)

Humor was definitely a keynote of the webinar. As Meg said, we all just need to get off our own backs about our implementation. So . . . riddle me this: In what ways have you all adapted your system that you consider heretical? We're not here to judge, just to discuss.
John Forrister said:
system that you consider heretical? .

I've had periods of time spanning months where a single overriding commitment (project) was in danger of not being met despite stealing cycles and time from all my other areas of focus. During that time, I let everything else slide because I KNEW what my priority was, and it didn't change from day to day.

I don't recommend this -- the negative impact of such a narrow focus lasts long after the critical project is completed.
Barb said:
Their senses of humor really work well together! I laughed and laughed.

I must reshuffle my playlist to listen to this webinar ASAP. After such comments I expect "The Big Bang Theory" sitcom-class entertainment!