Weekly Review Challenge (June 2014)

John Forrister

GTD Connect
Staff member
I recently heard David say something that helped frame my latest Weekly Review. He pointed out that most people check their calendar once or more during the day, as a way to get on top of their choices for how they spend time that day. He wondered why people don't treat themselves to an expanded version of that control, by doing a Weekly Review. So I approached this one as a treat which would afford me an easier time with decisions and choices in the next seven or so days. It was a valuable psychological shift. And, it reminded me of the TV show Parks & Recreation, in which a couple of characters have an entire day each year when they say, "Treat yourself!"


WR # 4 for June (# 23 of 2014)

Completed my last review for June today and was able to clear quite a bit off my list that I took care of during the week but had forgotten to mark off. Also found quite a few actions that I had created twice as well as ones that are no longer relevant. It's nice to balance the additions and deletions so the list doesn't get out of control.

I'm still not getting my personal InBox to Zero. I did a bit of setup in Gmail but it hasn't stuck yet. Outlook is so much easier to manage.


WR #4

This Weekly Review was again split between Friday afternoon (email and calendar review) and Monday morning (list management). I did spend some time over the weekend working on an Areas of Focus / Responsibility mind map. I have decided to use the US Independence Day holiday this Friday to declare independence from the drag I have been feeling from my lists by scrubbing them down and making sure I don't have an Area of Focus listed there that just sits there forever with an occasional next action associated with it!

The good news for me is that I am currently on a roll with weekly Weekly Reviews. This marks the 23rd WR of 2014 with an average of 8 days between them.



Weekly Review #3 June

Pleased with this week's review! Cleared a bunch of tasks from my NA list and added a few more. The weekly review has really helped me to keep my Inbox at zero on a daily basis. I'm less stressed knowing that I have everything in a trusted system and things won't fall through the cracks. Getting back to the fun! I was able to spend quality time with my great nephew Keegan who's 5, without a care in the world!


Finished WR # 4 for June Yesterday but didn't get a chance to post until today.

Closed out a lot of older projects, got the sheep list working, and we're down to the last 4 ewes left to lamb. Looking forward to the Historical Society Ice Cream Social and Fundraiser on the 4th and a long visit with my stepdad.

Have several new large projects that need some quiet time for planning so looking ahed over the next 3 weeks to see if I can schedule some time on my calendar for that. I need to have an uninterrupted couple of hours to do the initial planning for these 2 projects. I don't normally like to plan that much but in this case, one has a deadline in November and one is planning for the next year's LambTracker development work and I know I need to have a really quiet calm space to think about them. So I'll be blocking out several 1 hour segments in my calendar as tentative thinking times. I'll probably only need 2 but that way I have some flexibility if there is a farm emergency on a day I have it planned.