What are signs you're overcommitted?


Weekly review again!

Great brief video! Once again, the core idea of a weekly review is critical. Taking an honest look at current commitments and available resources -- sounds easy, but it is a core skill that is not to be taken for granted. Thanks for the reminder!



Thanks for posting! This is a very helpful video and a great explanation on this concept from David.


reasonable expectations

This one started me thinking about how I feel about what I am doing and what I am not doing.

Then, I thought, it is amazing what you can get used to -- maybe 'feelings' can be misleading.

Suppose you have a stretch of a few weeks where your days are fully (at least 9 hours) consumed with 'face time'. When you are face-to-face with a customer, there aren't options about what 'next action' to choose. You have to work 'overtime' just to stay current with incoming.

Or, worse, suppose you only work every other week like that? And you think that in your 'off' week, you should be able to make great progress on your secondary priority. And you can't, because all those delayed next actions spill over into the off week.

Wondering what 'reasonable expectancies' could be.
