What are the templates like?



Who's got them? Are they any good?
OK. I'm new. I might be jumping on a bandwagon, but the idea of "cue cards" appeals - a Mind Map would be better, but I can't have it all ways. So what's on these? Yes, I've seen the list, but I work in pix. Is it really worth 25USD (or whatever it would be with shipping to the UK)? Why isn't there a downloadable version like the "GTD with Entourage" book - I have a laminator and printer at home.

I just don't want to buy "a pig in a poke"... so is it?


GTD Templates version 1.

I've got GTD Templates version 1 (without the new "fifth element" :) "The Horizons of Focus" card). For me it is rather the collector's item but it can be useful if you do not want to consult the GTD book all the time.

DavidCo Store said:
Templates include:

The Five Phases of Mastering Workflow
-Learn the key steps to workflow processing as taught by David Allen.
Two pages of this card contain short (three to seven bullet points) description of the five GTD workflow phases (Collect, Process, Organize, Review, and Do) (Chapter 2 of the GTD book contains the long description of these phases). There is also a short reminder what are the Runway, 10k, 20k, 30k, 40k, and 50k+ ft. levels and how often they should be reviewed (level descriptions can be found in the GTD Book on page 51 (paperback edition)).

DavidCo Store said:
The Incompletion Trigger List
-Free up 'psychic RAM' by capturing any incompletions.
Front page of this card contains Professional Incompletion Trigger List, back page contains Personal Incompletion Trigger List (these lists can be found in the GTD Book on pages 114-117 (paperback edition)).

DavidCo Store said:
The Workflow Diagram
-Use the 'Rosetta Stone' of GTD to work smarter, not harder.
Front page of this card contains the GTD Workflow Diagram. The "sketch quality" diagram is published in the GTD Book, the high quality pdf version can be downloaded free of charge from DavidCo on-line store http://www.davidco.com/store/catalog/WorkFlow-Diagram-p-16166.php.

DavidCo Store said:
The Weekly Review
-Master the weekly review- the practice that keeps us 'sane and in control.'
Back page of the GTD Workflow Diagram contains the Weekly Review checklist (can be found in GTD book on pages 185-187 (paperback edition)).

DavidCo Store said:
The Natural Planning Model
-Manage and plan your projects with streamline precision
Front page of this card contains short (two to three bullet points) description of the five Natural Planning Model steps (Defining purpose and principles, Outcome visioning, Brainstorming, Organizing, and Identifying next actions) (Chapter 3 of the GTD book contains the long description of these steps).

DavidCo Store said:
The Project Planning Trigger List
-Capture the key actions that make your projects flow from start to finish.
Back page of the "planning card" contains the Project Planning Trigger List (I couldn't find it in the GTD book).