What if @Computer wasn't a context?


Nice @Contexts:

As such, which are done Only/Usually:

1. When home ?

2. When 'away' from home ?

Thank you very much
I do the @Home list when I'm at home and have the mental capacity (energy) at that time. For example, I can't do @Errands when I'm home. And even though I don't go to a "work" site per se. I don't do at work things when I'm not at "work". Keeps me balanced.
I LOVE varied and numerous contexts. Since I work in a 12WY approach and since I make active all projects that can be done in that 12 week year and since mine are tied to seasons because I am first and foremost a farmer many contexts are helpful. I currently have 47 contexts. I was a 1 context per task person for years then I realized that there are some tasks that can be sliced and diced different ways. So while I have my "primary"contexts there are ancillary ones like one for each current beta test customer of AnimalTrakker. It's easier in my system to find everything related to AT-003 or AT-012 (meaning specific AnimalTrakker Customers) even if it crosses the definition of the tool, location or condition needed to perform the task because I can verify I am keeping up with all their requirements and requests. I have ways to see specific contexts but also contexts that give me a big picture of my varied and numerous actions.
I tried that and felt like I was micromanaging a bit. Plus there were some things that required more than one tool and not worth two separate actions. Have you felt this?
I still have many contexts that are based on the Primary tool I need. Not the only tool but he one that I will need most to work on that action. So I don't find it to be micromanaging but rather liberating. I can pick a tool I wm in the mood to work in and get a lot done EVEN IF I need to dabble in something else for a tiny bit of the action.
In those situations I just use @PCOther
I just have the @phone and @computer contexts for technology. @ phone I put only things i can do at the phone. ie: call and text. @computer is for computer work that yes I can still do on my phone. But I don't want to hide a computer next action in the @phone context.
My @computer is currently split into these:

@focus: For actions that take significant time and/or energy.
@quick: Everything else that doesn't fit into the above, eg. handling certain emails, submitting expenses, scheduling meetings etc.
@review: Things to read, watch or otherwise consume. Perfect for sitting in the couch with an iPad.

Non computer contexts are pretty standard.
@errands - headings (Things feature) for the main destinations
@agendas - headings (Things feature) for the commonly used people/meetings