Where to put a Checklist


Hey just wondering how other people are organizing the location of their checklists in their systems.

Currently a have a folder (in OF) called 'Checklists' and I've placed all my checklist in this folder. But I recently placed a few checklists along side my project lists. When I placed my checklists along my project lists, it kinda help as a trigger list.


Tried many things

I like mine in Evernote, after trying many other things over time. It's really just a matter of personal preference and there is no right or wrong.


Some checklists can be handled as subtasks in a repeating tickler, for example a weekly review checklist.


Tado;112913 said:
Hey just wondering how other people are organizing the location of their checklists in their systems.

I have a templates folder in Omnifocus for standard projects that always have the same basic sequence of steps. Most of the checklists are in DEVONThink.

Mark Jantzen

Couple Ways For Me

In Evernote I use tags. I use Evernote Notebooks by subject or topic which generally map to my Areas of Focus. Tags allow me to put my GTD thinking "across" these notebooks - e.g. Checklists, Action Support, Goals, etc.

I also have mind maps - e.g. MindNode maps synced in iCloud where I'll group some maps into a "Checklists" folder.

I've found the key is making it simple enough that you'll actually refer back to these Checklists occasionally or during the Weekly Review.