Where to put incubate things...


I'm still a bit confused about incubating stuff. I get lots of ideas for projects to do. They're GOOD ideas, and if I had time, I'd do them. However, they are not DO RIGHT NOW projects, though I'll have thoughts about them from time to time. The issue is time - I can only do so many projects at once, given resources.
What's the right way to track these? I'm a big outlook/palm fan. Should these be:
1. Someday/Maybe TASKS (I'm using the GTD add-in).
2. Notes under "Incubate"
3. Dated things to review in the calendar?
4. Saved e-mails under Inbox/Someday.
I'd rather just keep everything in one place. Just like it's a bad idea to have lots of inboxes, I can't see it being a good idea to have lots of incubation locations.