Re: Thanks for the article, the Mighty NET!
Purely as a matter of clarification -- and this is of no practical significance to the Atlantic (which used to put all its material up free, and does so even now with a delay) -- but this was not exactly an illustration of the power of the Mighty NET. It is an illustration of the difficulty of observing or enforcing copyright. Nexis/Lexis is a prioprietary news source. It pays publications (like ours) for the right to publish material simultaneously with the online edition, and it charges its users for access to that information, complete with all kinds of warnings and statements that its material is explicitly not for re-posting or re-circulation. As a personal matter, I couldn't be more delighted to have people read this article. But as a window onto how the world works, I wanted to correct an impression that it was just a matter of finding better search tools. It's a matter of deciding not to pay attention to the agreement between Nexis/Lexis and its users -- but that's Nexis's problem, not mine. jf
TesTeq said:Finally the Mighty NET gave us the Atlantic Monthly article. Apparently it wasn't the author's or Davidco decision :? - it was the hidden power of the Mighty NET :!: .
apinaud said:Somebody in other forum find the article online, I am not at home to confort with the article, but looks like is complete.
Any ways this is the link.
Purely as a matter of clarification -- and this is of no practical significance to the Atlantic (which used to put all its material up free, and does so even now with a delay) -- but this was not exactly an illustration of the power of the Mighty NET. It is an illustration of the difficulty of observing or enforcing copyright. Nexis/Lexis is a prioprietary news source. It pays publications (like ours) for the right to publish material simultaneously with the online edition, and it charges its users for access to that information, complete with all kinds of warnings and statements that its material is explicitly not for re-posting or re-circulation. As a personal matter, I couldn't be more delighted to have people read this article. But as a window onto how the world works, I wanted to correct an impression that it was just a matter of finding better search tools. It's a matter of deciding not to pay attention to the agreement between Nexis/Lexis and its users -- but that's Nexis's problem, not mine. jf