Windows Mobile 7, Outlook tasks and OneNote 2010



Has anyone tried the combination above for GTD? I am really interested in the idea of having OneNote at least viewable in a mobile device, and then I am assuming that tasks would still sync as per Outlook and older windows mobile versions. I still havent had the chance to take a good look at the devices, so am after any feedback.



My whole system is in onenote so I was pretty interested in ON2010s web services when they came out. The approach I wanted to take was to use the MS Webapps version of OneNote, which links nicely with OneNote2010. then I could view it on any mobile with internet.

Alas whole online sync service that Microsoft is just poor and I must confess even as a tech lover I couldnt get my head around it (see this link) and gave up.

I also sync my ON across 3 computers, but ON2010 uses a new proprietary format that's not backwards compatible, so to sync it I have to buy 3 new copies of ON2010, which isn't worth it.

For the record, I sync ON2007 across 3 computers using Dropbox. Instead of worrying about ON online access, I just export my Tasklist (the tag list in onenote) and my project list as word documents and put them in Dropbox, which appears on my phone.

If I was really on the road a lot with work I might explore some more, but this suits me for now.


OneNote2010 available for the iPhone

Hi all...just to let everyone know that OneNote2010 is available for th iPhone and it is free. I am combining my task management with Outlook and the "ToDo" app for the iPhone while handling projects with OneNote via the free SkyDrive service offered with a Microsoft Live ID.