Add Email to Kanban Board?

Michael Rubin

I've implemented GTD and use a Kanban board to manage my lists.

Here's where I'm getting stuck. I know you want to pull the task out of an email. If it takes more than 2 minutes, should I add that email/task to the Kanban board?


If you are not going to do the next action triggered by the email right away, you have to put it somewhere where it is visible to you and will get done. Some people track email next actions using a different system than their main lists. Often this is within their email clients, e.g., a next action folder. I don’t do this myself, but I have no doubt it can work. If you are resisting putting next actions into your system, you have to ask why and find a fix. This can be uncomfortable if the fix is not immediately found, because things can get worse for a while.


I've implemented GTD and use a Kanban board to manage my lists.

Here's where I'm getting stuck. I know you want to pull the task out of an email. If it takes more than 2 minutes, should I add that email/task to the Kanban board?

I don't know exactly how your system is designed, but, yes, I would assume that you put it in the backlog.