about follow up e-mail reminder company on the internet (purpose asking advice how to implement it into gmail)

"post about follow up

What is follow up?
It has type company website, which I could hyperlink.
How to Use FollowUpThen. The free andeasy email reminder
From my knowledge - it’s a type of e-mail company programme which is world wide - which allows type of user accounts to - make or save certain contacts in there e-mail account (saved as actual contacts or persons) - where (when the user sends to a certain titled address say 3 daysv follow up or 1 week follow up (the email is then sent back to the users inbox in that tim.

I C P S example
Myself Tim - only have ever used this basic feature of follow up which is quite paradoxical because almost all the time (when I have been sent a 'follow up' email- I have actually also not really done anything the the message a second time.

Obviously the reason for this type of company - is to send reminders.

The purpose of this post is also see if other users have any experience how to properly implement.

maybe @gtdstudente or @René Lie come to mind.


this links to my previous posts about implementing e-mail.