All web GTD

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It sounds good to me in theory but I still feel most comfortable with analog solutions.

1. Hipster PDA
2. Lots of Moleskine Notebooks

Don't get me wrong though. My main system is located in my Blackberry.

Todoist has had many improvements recently. There is a good extension to add NAs. It can be integrated with Gmail and has reminders, Mobile access, Todoist API, QuickSilver plugin,widgets for iGoogle and Netvibes, a widget for Dashboard (Mac OS X only). It also works with labels and it is recommended for those who likes keystrokes. The query function is getting better, too.

Before going to a web-based solution, you might want to make sure that you really, truly, have web access *all* the time. That's less of a concern if you are switching between stable offices, but it's a huge concern if you are planning to work at random places like coffee shops. Murphy's Law says that the more critical web access is, the more likely it is that your favorite location will have a line out the door, or will have its own access go down, or something.

There's also the personal preference issue, of course. I went to a paper system in part because I realized that while I could use electronic tools anywhere, I really didn't want to. Somehow I found electronic tools overly intrusive.


Google Docs blocked at work….

My company is updating its information security policies which will include blocking internet document storage services like filesanywhere and Google Docs. I work at a government contracting organization and this is part of a push from the government to it’s contractors to comply with government information security guidelines. These kinds of concerns could easily spill out into other sectors as best practices. I think the underlying concern is that the ITS department wants to make sure that no one is taking sensitive corporate files and storing them on internet servers that are not under the protection of our internal security.

This will put a big dent in my web based GTD implementation, which is relying on GDocs for list management and contacts. Or at least my access to it from work.

This post is mostly just a heads-up for others that this could be coming your way at some point.

I think the way I will be handling it is to convert each of my GDocs to a Gmail message and storing it as a draft. It can still be easily edited and printed that way and should still be available to me at work (we’ll see after 10/1). This will also be convenient since it will be integrated with my personal email that way.