Any thoughts on rebellion?


Anonymous said:
Wow, what was going on while we were eating and sleeping? We shouldn't let our guard down like that again!

Actually, it's fascinating to see how ...

--Plano, TX

Lovely post – nothing like a real life example to demonstrate a point.

I was worried that I may have over-simplified my own point in my earlier post. However, having been exposed to American business thought for, as I said, ten years or so, I find yours so obviously the right way to go about doing things that I am consequently frustrated with European acquaintances who sneer at such a direct approach to action.

On the more theoretical side (unable to completely break free of my European-ness and therefore theorising) I have two books lined up to read which I am sure will explore the differences in greater detail and they are The Metaphysical Club: A Story of Ideas in America by Louis Menand, and an introduction to Continental Philosophy.

At the risk of even more over-simplification, I can’t help thinking that “The Pioneering Spirit” contributes to the American ability to take large scale action – let’s get the wheels rolling and get on with the job.



I'm not picking on Europeans because I've always enjoyed the company of most with whom I've come into contact. But I recall being at a meeting a number of years ago with a rep from the company in the UK who was decribing the manufacturing facility for a medical product we were selling. He explained how the cabinet was frequently misaligned and "Roger" stood at the end of the production line with a rubber mallet, giving the device a few good "whacks" at the right spots to get everything lined up before it went into the shipping box. He was very proud of "Roger" and his ablility to straighten out what everyone else couldn't get right.

His presentation was very entertaining and at the end he asked if anyone had any questions. One person present raised his hand and asked, "Why not just build it right to begin with and give "Roger" something important to do?" We never did get an answer....