I must say I bend the rules a little here.
My WF List items have 'due dates', but they don't necessarily specify when I HAVE to get back to the person but when I want to SEE the item again.
Also, I might hurt the 'boundaries' rule I put tickler items there, so when a person says: Can you get back to me in 5 weeks, I will have time then (I always wonder, how they know
) my entry would look like Iif written today)
wf 220623 Get back to John about offer Linkedin coaching (beginning of August)
and have a due date in 6 weeks.
THEN I decide HOW I will get back to John.
So every day I just see the WFs that I wanna make a decision on.
Also usually WFs have a repeat function, so I remind the person and check it off (sometimes but not always I update the 6 digit date in the beginning-.... this is uncritial the 6 digit part might also look like "220112 220314" etc, so I have a log how often I got back to the person) which puts it in a tickler at some future time.
If the WF is resolved or changes into a NA, I just delete or rename/refile it.