Color-coding calendar entries

I have a very basic system where I colour in red any ‘critical’ meetings that I must attend. Therefore anything not red is something I’ve been invited to but don’t need to worry about missing if I’ve got more pressing things to do.
Four Areas of Focus:
Gold/Yellow: Divine, Spiritual-Health Extrinsic / Intrinsic [Intellect {Conscious, Truth}, Volition {Intentions, Habits/Skills}]
Red: Corporal-Health,Vitality Extrinsic All Relationships (Antagonists/Protagonists {Acquaintances, Clients, Family, Friends, Providers}), Intrinsic Body, Dental, Emotions {Aversions-&-Desires}, Exercise, Habits/Skills, Hydration/Nutrition (Medications, Supplements), Sleep, Phantasm (Imagination-&-Memory)]
Green: Fiscal Internal Expenses, Insurance, Taxes, etc.
Blue: Tools External Car, Cell, Coordinates [All, NE, SE, SW], Internet, Internal Calendar-&-Tickler, Computer, Home [Basement, Bathroom, Bedrooms, Kitchen, Office, Laundry-Area], etc.
Could you go into more depth please? For instance, what is ..."Coordinates"... used for? I don't understand.
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Could you go into more depth please? For instance, what is ..."Coordinates"... used for? I don't understand.
Perhaps, it might be further described as GTD GPS

"Coordinates" are simply "Route Directions" usually for: Appointments, Errands, Groceries, Meetings, etc.

All (Any direction: ATM's, Chain-Stores, Gas, ect.), NE = Northeast, NW = Northwest, SE = Southeast, SW = Southwest

However, instead of using One List with random placements or five list, instead, I use my 'least desirable/worst' Clipboard [in case its gets lost] for Landscape Copy Paper and not real 'important' Support Materials.

How Used:
On the Landscape Copy Sheet, I draw a 'chunky' 1/5 Box in the Middle of the Copy Sheet for "All" without needing to note as "All" since it will be self-evident.

Then Two Horizontal Lines and Two Vertical lines are drawn from Outside the "All Box" to the edge of the Paper and Each of those four sections self-evidently are the Coordinates: NE, NW, SE, SW

Then as I go about 'GTD Living', things that are done away from home are simply added to either "All" or to one of the Four Coordinates.

Also, if one wishes to go "High-Tech" then one could also use Five Over-Sized Post-It for leaving the Clip-Board, say in the car, as a portable list and for perhaps 'easier' refresh during Weekly Review

Hopefully clearly helpful. Thank you
I only use 3 colors
blue is for professionnal stuff, pink is for personnal stuff green is for waiting for stuff
i work like this for years !
ps stuff are like we use gtd calendar
Perhaps, it might be further described as GTD GPS

"Coordinates" are simply "Route Directions" usually for: Appointments, Errands, Groceries, Meetings, etc.

All (Any direction: ATM's, Chain-Stores, Gas, ect.), NE = Northeast, NW = Northwest, SE = Southeast, SW = Southwest

However, instead of using One List with random placements or five list, instead, I use my 'least desirable/worst' Clipboard [in case its gets lost] for Landscape Copy Paper and not real 'important' Support Materials.

How Used:
On the Landscape Copy Sheet, I draw a 'chunky' 1/5 Box in the Middle of the Copy Sheet for "All" without needing to note as "All" since it will be self-evident.

Then Two Horizontal Lines and Two Vertical lines are drawn from Outside the "All Box" to the edge of the Paper and Each of those four sections self-evidently are the Coordinates: NE, NW, SE, SW

Then as I go about 'GTD Living', things that are done away from home are simply added to either "All" or to one of the Four Coordinates.

Also, if one wishes to go "High-Tech" then one could also use Five Over-Sized Post-It for leaving the Clip-Board, say in the car, as a portable list and for perhaps 'easier' refresh during Weekly Review

Hopefully clearly helpful. Thank you
Thanks, I'm new to this and currently in the process of creating a script for colour coding my Google Calendar. I used the information you provided above. It's just what I needed.

I've attached a basic txt file with the script I'm using with Google's App Script. I got this from:

on Linkedin

Thanks for sharing,


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I'm in Google calendar and like Oogie, each calendar is a different colour. Some of them are always visible and some of them get turned on at particular times:

- Personal (ie: default calendar for events and reminders)

- Follow up file (ie: tickler. I only make this visible once a day in the morning when I check it for the day, and the rest of the time it's hidden)

- Shared parenting calendar (my kids live with their mum

- Shared flatmates calendar (I live with my brother)

- Kids' recurring activities (weekly classes or training sessions they're involved in outside of school)

- Options to see when I have free time (eg: Saturday morning social chess, or an interesting conference I don't expect to have time to attend)

- GTD System appointments (this one is in red and is less frequently used but when I see that red appointment I know it's important... eg: a scheduled weekly review, a Connect webinar or our new Australian GTD support group)

I also use Outlook calendar for work stuff but haven't been using any colours yet.
I don't use color coding, although things are in different colors because they belong to different calendars shown in the same view.

I mark up information with "TSR" (time specific reminder), everything else is actionable (actions and appointments).
Thanks, I'm new to this and currently in the process of creating a script for colour coding my Google Calendar. I used the information you provided above. It's just what I needed.

I've attached a basic txt file with the script I'm using with Google's App Script. I got this from:

on Linkedin

Thanks for sharing,
Super . . . very nice

Another FYI if it suits you regarding "Next Action":
I usually like to color Verbs in Gold (Mind Actions) and Red (Manual Actions) because I am doing the work (if to be delegated, might simply italicize their name prior to moving to "Waiting For") and the Object Classification in its Appropriate Colors . . . for example:

Persons: Healthy, Dangerous[Toxic], Props [When Service-Life More than a Year], Provisions [When Service-Life Less than a Year],

Change Car Fuel-Filter

Change Car Oil

Call Bob

Call Judas

Code Calendar

Cook Dinner

Deposit Checking

Double-Check Checking

Early Bed

Prepare Air Conditioner

Schedule Calendar

Wash Clothes

Watch YouTube How to Change Car Fuel Filter

Weekly Review

All good . . . as you see GTD fit
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Thanks, this is alot to sink my teeth into. I've still to look at GTD but once I do I hioe it helps my productivity and social life go through the roof
Encouraging go super slow and super easy with 'accomplishments' for the day . . . "GTD is big-boy system" what was 'solidified' on this end took years and lots of time and 'irrational' commitment . . . something that was suitable without being disheartened . . . getting the GTD rhythm can be arduous and therefore is to be done through this forum without any pressure on oneself . . . keep checking-in with any GTD concerns via the GTD Forum . . . please remember there is no such thing as a GTD 'loser' . . . impossible . . . we are all in this GTD together . . . love to know your Google Calendar "Script" . . . very much what is needed on this end . . . thank you!
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Thanks, this is alot to sink my teeth into. I've still to look at GTD but once I do I hioe it helps my productivity and social life go through the roof
Welcome to GTD. Slow and simple at first (and even after many years). If color coding appeals to you, fine. And, also good to keep in mind that the calendar is for items due on that date, and your next actions, if and only if they have real due dates, are due by that date. The distinction between on and by will keep your calendar free of clutter and build trust in your next actions lists.