Filing Cabinet Too Full


My filing cabinets are so full that it is a little bit of a struggle filing a single sheet of paper.

Many times I have moved the last 3 inches or so of a draw into the front of the next draw and then reduced the padding in the back of that draw to make extra space. Its a bit of a drag having to do this.

Is there a better way to solve this problem?


Do you really need everything in the files?

Maybe you have already done this, but worth thinking about if not.

I have just thinned out the material in my office files. Questions I asked myself:
- Can I get another copy of this (electronic or paper) easily if I need it?
- Has this been replaced by a newer version?
- Is the project still running?
- Am I responsible for this area, or just keeping it 'for information'

In my work, I am not responsible for filing 'compliance' documentation (signed contracts etc), so it is relatively easy to cull.

At home, at financial year end, I put all financial documents for the previous year in an archive box, marked with the year, and destroy the archives over 5 years old (tax record keeping guidelines). I also review the 'warranties & manuals' folders and throw out anything expired or no longer in use.


I like to purge my files every 12 months, but this issue comes up more often than that.

Really I am looking for a solution like some inexpensive spring loaded spacers or something.