Forum software upgrade

Yes, we are working on the add-on that will prevent almost all spam. I will post here as soon as it's in place, so that you will know that clicking on "New posts" won't show you spam.
I just deleted a dozen or so spam threads. We should have the add-on to moderate new users in place this afternoon.

And I didn't interpret anyone's comments as impatient. You all care about the forum content, and it's a hassle to sift through spam threads.

(I don't know where we're all going to shop for counterfeit money and embalming supplies from now on.)
Guess what you didn't see this morning? Right you are! Spam. There were several spam threads attempted, but they were not shown because the new user was trapped in moderation. It's a happy day.
You rock, John! Thanks for your dedication to making this Forum a wonderful place!
Hi Longstreet, yes, I was tinkering with the filter settings and left things open for about 5 minutes. I've deleted those threads and banned the spammer who happened to be active at that time.
Hi Longstreet, yes, I was tinkering with the filter settings and left things open for about 5 minutes. I've deleted those threads and banned the spammer who happened to be active at that time.
Wonderful -- thanks, John! Wow...a 5 minute window and spam appears. o_O
Thanks John! I know it is hard work and anything on the Internet is getting constantly pounded on. If you need help moderating then please let me know.
John, thank you for your efforts in keeping this a great place for GTD discussions. This is very much appreciated!