@OogiemNone of the items you mentioned go backwards.
Agricultur is always forwarad looking. I'm planing slaughter dates now for sheep that have not been conceived yet. I am planning matings 3-4 generations in advance of those parents based on the genetics of what I want to see in my flock in 6-12 years time.
Books are written and always there are older books and newer books. Books don't go from reading to manuscript but from manuscraipt to editing to publishing to reading. Cycles are not linear so fall outside this discussion. A Discarded list is trashed. As in gone not going back to an empty page. The 2 book references mak no sense to me. they were written one after another so are linear. Internet si also not meaningful IMO to the discussionl The internet is tool, neither forward nor backward. But in practice it only moves forward, wayback machine not withstanding. The next 5 things are all cycles not backwards but moving round and round. Lists have no ordering other than sequential . They do not go from completed toto not started. Markets on average only go up. Another one way direction. Memory for normal humans is prinarily sequential storage with random access. Moon phases are another cycle not linear so no concept of forward or backward. I could go on but I think you see my point.
Until there is a true time machine time only flows one way, forward in this universe. I reserve the right to learn about other alternate universes where time goes backwrds, there have be SF stories/books abou that but I do not think that they represent reality.
Thank you for yesterday's reply
Now have more appreciation why a mutigenerational family farming enterprise in continuous operation for over a thousand years operates differently by seeing things differently, understanding things differently, and by doing things differently from many other farming enterprises over the centuries
"Markets on average only go up." meaning only if pittances of what markets offer as well as tolerating potential 50% plus price drawdowns as the objective(s) ?
Thank you very much
As you see GTD fit. . . .
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