Money program for Palm?

Jamie Elis

I am searching for a money manager program that synchs with the Palm. Any one have thoughts on what to avoid and what to look for. I am exploring free trials of Ultrasoft Checkbook and Ultrasoft Money a this time (from PalmGear). I want to make sure that which ever machine contains the most up to date entry will overwrite the other on a synch (like a regular Palm HotSynch does). In USCheckbook the Palm overwrites the file in the desk or lap top. I have never used a financial program of any type before. It would also be good if I good share data with my spouse but not is not a requrement compared to ease of use. Thanks in advance.


What works with MS Money

I had both Quicken and Pocket Quicken years ago but migrated to Microsoft Money, which I preferred at the time for reasons which escape me now and it still works well. But Pocket Quicken evidently requires the desktop Quicken. Is there a MS Money counterpart?

Jamie Elis

thanks for all above

I am going to go for the pocket quicken and I am going to wait for the next version. And, I had reason to call Landware and I found that they answer the phone, answer questions, and respond fast to querey on e-mail, too.


Re: What works with MS Money

smithdoug said:
Is there a MS Money counterpart?

You might look at Ultrasoft Money 4.2. I've never used since I use Quicken but it claims to sync with MS Money. There are positive reviews on