Moving through Next Actions



Hi, I am currently struggling with how to move through Next Actions. In other words, I have several projects with NAs on the list. When I finish a NA is it better to look back at the project for the next action? OR check off the current NA and move to another NA in the context list?

The reason I say I struggle is that if I work through the NA list it seems like some projects take too long and cause me to become overwhelmed. If I stay with a project and continue to knock off the next actions I spend too much time on that project and not enough time on the context NA list.

If I work through the NA list checking off as I go, when does the next action in a project get put on the list? A weekly review seems too long to wait for and a daily review seems to contradict the simplicity of the system.

I may be analyzing this too much, but regardless, it is confusing to me.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Re: Moving through Next Actions

scollins01 said:
If I work through the NA list checking off as I go, when does the next action in a project get put on the list?

Generally, once I've started on a project, I may take several actions in a row on it before I hit a snag (I'm in the wrong context, need to hear back from someone, whatever). At that point, I will jot down the next action (@Waiting For: response from Bob re: hardware quote) and then look again at my list for the next thing I can do in this context.

The real answer to the question of "work down a list, or work through a project?" is however it works best for you. Some people apparently like cranking down a list; I tend to be more project-oriented, so my next action list functions as a series of bookmarks (or answers to the question, 'What's the next thing I have to do to get rolling on this project?')