But that means you already have the habit. The person in this example would be a person who has struggled, perhaps for years, with kitchen chaos, and has failed. (Edited to add: And is it not clear that pretty much all of it, other than the 7am and 7pm ticklers, is a one-time project?)
“Wash dishes” assumes there’s room between the dish pile in the sink and the faucet. It assumes that there’s counter space to drain the dishes, that isn’t full of dirty dishes. It assumes that there’s free counter space to wipe.
When none of those things are true, some planning is called for.
So it’s clear that I should have started with a more familiar struggle.This one doesn’t happen to be my struggle, but it’s not all that rare.
if you tell me this approach has helped you or someone you know, I believe you but it is hard to comprehend. It seems very un-gtd, and seems to involve a lot of planning. Every thing I have read suggests very small incremental steps And lots of support. I don’t think this is a one-time cure either. Someone who has trouble at that level in washing the dishes will not succeed until the underlying issues are addressed.