No software will fix an recurring systemic problem. All the SW will do is allow you to handle your lsits in a more efficient manner but you still hve to curate what is on your lists.
As others have mentiones you must first CAPTURE the things that you need to do, the CLARIFY what they mean. Are they full blown projects? Are they next actions? Where can I do them? What are the necessary tools? Do I have time and energy now to add this to my list of tasks? The answers will determine where and what you do with what you have noted. That's the CLARIFY step.
So here is an example from my own system:
I look at the weather and notice that in 2 days it's predicted that we will have lows of 3°F and a high of 15°F. I know that all the sheep water tanks will freezea and I need to install the heaters. So I put a note into my inbox "Sheep water tank heaters" and move on. I don't have time to deal with it right now, I'm in the middle of something else. Later that day or the next day I process my inbox and get to the note about the sheep water tank heaters. I know that installing them for the winter will take several steps. So I create a project called Sheep Water tank Heaters Installed in my list management tool. (I use Omnifocus but it could eb any tool or even paper) Now I need tofigure out what the next action is. Well in this case I need to count how many water heaters we need. That is a task that has to be done when I am outside and I don't need any help to do it so I create an Action under the project to "Count number of 2020 water tanks that need heaters." and the context is Outside by Myself. Now I also know that we have some heaters stored in the red barn so since I am working on the project I also add an action "Get water heaters from Red Barn" and the context is Red Barn. Other actions I know I have to do include locating enough extension cords, checking to see all the heaters work perhaps I need to purchase some heaters or I may need toadd a metal cage if the tabks are plastic not metal, or I might even have to add or purchase more water tanks when I discover that some of the tanks have holes that cannot be repaired. I personally like to fill out as much of a project as I can and in many cases I can do most of the project planning at once but all that really matters is that I have a project and at least one action.
I work through the actions, counting tanks, getting the water heaters out, finding and installing extension cords and so on and discover that I need to buy some more tanks and some heaters. As I am working I add the apropriate actions to my lists in the contex tin which I can do them.
While I am workign on this project I also rememebr that i want to seed Sanfoin into the lower pasture. I make that note and add it to my ibpx when I am next in the house. When I process this note I realize that because we had no fall rains and it's now too cold that this will have tobe delayed until next spring. So I just put that idea "Spread Sanfoin seed in lower pasture" into my Farm Projecs to Do Someday/Maybe list. I know it will eventually become a project with actions like buy Sainfoin seed, locate a no till drill to rent and so on but for now all I need to do is capture it for later. When I do my weekly review I have things set so that the only projects in my Omnofocus system are ones I can do in this 3 month period. So I never see it/ I reset those project sd review ALL my someday/maybe lsits quarterly. I'll look at the Farm projects to Do list again in December at the Solstice and sicne it's a spring projectthat can be done in March or April depending on the weather I'll notice it then and move the project about the sainfoin from my S/M lists into my Omnifocus system and start working on it.
Weekly reviews are my time to compare what's on my lsits, with what I got done last week and what I have planned fo rnext week and how it all fits into what I have on my 12 week year quarterly plan for getting major projects done.
I like long lists and I typically have several hundred active projects. Other epeople will limit their active projects toonly those they reasonably expect to work on in that week. Either way is fine but from you issues I bet you are more on the need shorter lists end of the spectrum than I am.
The key is you CAN'T do everythign on your lsits and you need to curate or triage your projects and tasks. My Someday/Maybe lsits are hige, over 1000 items on them and probably closer to 2000 but that's ok I am only working on hwat I have decided, by reviewing, what is most important now and in this season.