Bill Myers
Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny
I don't use the stickers at all. Evernote's handwriting recognition is dependent on your penmanship. Mine's terrible so I don't get much use out of that feature. I have no idea how much disk space the scanned pages takes up and besides Evernote limits your data upload rather than storage. You're right that the moleskines are expensive and frankly, I consider them a luxury. If money's tight (and lord knows I've been there) then don't bother with them. You could just as easily scan notes from cheap notebook paper.
Ship69 said:The Evernote Moleskin looks rather mind-blowing
Can you say a little more about them. Do you using all those stickers? A lot? e.g. On every page?
And how good is Evernote at reading handwriting?
And what sort of disk space does it start to take up - e.g. suppose you had 1000 pages photographed - any rough idea?
Intriguing... but at GBP16.00 per notebook... gads these things certainly aren't cheap!
I don't use the stickers at all. Evernote's handwriting recognition is dependent on your penmanship. Mine's terrible so I don't get much use out of that feature. I have no idea how much disk space the scanned pages takes up and besides Evernote limits your data upload rather than storage. You're right that the moleskines are expensive and frankly, I consider them a luxury. If money's tight (and lord knows I've been there) then don't bother with them. You could just as easily scan notes from cheap notebook paper.