Mr. TimBourne,
Everything written is 99% from GTD and expressed into an: Empty . . . Fill . . . Empty . . . Fill . . . rhythmic pattern to slow down the mind, for more easily focusing* (2nd edition, pg. 69) at the Context(s) level, minimize 'think wandering', etc. and to just simply get prior commitments done as Emptied or Filled Outcomes
Especially helpful when in Filling Next Action(s) mode as in Doing Predefined Work (2nd edition, pgs. 53/54 and pgs. 210-to-215) for Emptying Context(s) List(s): Calendar List(s) and Next Action(s) List(s), aka: Commitments, Personal Inventory, On the Docket to Do, etc.
*Throughout GTD, "Focusing" seems to be mostly for Project Outcome thinking, which is very good for keeping one on track throughout the multiple Next Actions required for a desired Project Outcome since "you can't do a project" and only the Next Actions required to complete the Projects' desired Outcomes.
Meanwhile, with all due respect, even most Next Actions are unable to be literally being done in one Action
Rather, most Next Actions are done in consecutive micro-series of Next Actions, as GTD Next Actions expresses "What 'doing' looks like" (2nd edition, Appendix, pg. 306) and would humbly suggests that the subtle difference between Next Actions and one Action(s) might have sufficient imbedded friction for some to have Next Actions items List(s) on a the Next Action List(s) linger much longer than desired only to be further fooled in false success due to hitting the one Action(s) 'jackpot' enough to keep one shackled/trapped with a backlog of Next Actions?
Conclusion worthy of considering for crushing Next Action(s) backlog:
"What does 'doing' looks like" and "Project Outcome" thinking for Next Actions as well?
In Practice:
Emptying, Emptying, Emptying,. . . . > Emptied
Filling, Filling, Filling,. . . . > Filled
Other examples:
Arriving, Arriving, Arriving,. . . . > Arrived
Cleaning, Cleaning, Cleaning,. . . . > Cleaned
Coding, Coding, Coding,. . . . > Coded
Fixing, Fixing, Fixing,. . . . > Fixed
Editing, Editing, Editing,. . . . > Edited
Listening, Listening, Listening,. . . . > Listened
Scrubbing, Scrubbing, Scrubbing,. . . . > Scrubbed
Sorting, Sorting, Sorting,. . . . > Sorted
Washing, Washing, Washing,. . . . > Washed
Watching, Watching, Watching,. . . . > Watched
Writing, Writing, Writing,. . . . > Wrote
As David Allen has humorously expressed "You get the point"
Meanwhile, let's also remember to be easier on ourselves in remembering: most art is never actually completed . . . only abandoned
While the above is subject to further editing, meanwhile, 'Nothing' More . . . 'Nothing' Less
Thank you very much for you GTD post
As you see GTD fit
*Here - clicked 4 threads to find the thread*
Where it was user @DKPhoto who gave me other type of A4 print out summary to use (which did end up using.
For some reason I see that the originally image I upload of this on fourm in no longer visible (when first posted it)
This is first time myself looking back on that thread and see that image looks like [what show print screen off -no longer a image]
Why is this? Can I get staff to help @John Forrister - are other users on website having same issue?