"Part one about moving into a 4 bedroom detached house trying to re -implement GTD into my life, get back on the GTD wagon

Mr. TimBourne,

Everything written is 99% from GTD and expressed into an: Empty . . . Fill . . . Empty . . . Fill . . . rhythmic pattern to slow down the mind, for more easily focusing* (2nd edition, pg. 69) at the Context(s) level, minimize 'think wandering', etc. and to just simply get prior commitments done as Emptied or Filled Outcomes

Especially helpful when in Filling Next Action(s) mode as in Doing Predefined Work (2nd edition, pgs. 53/54 and pgs. 210-to-215) for Emptying Context(s) List(s): Calendar List(s) and Next Action(s) List(s), aka: Commitments, Personal Inventory, On the Docket to Do, etc.

*Throughout GTD, "Focusing" seems to be mostly for Project Outcome thinking, which is very good for keeping one on track throughout the multiple Next Actions required for a desired Project Outcome since "you can't do a project" and only the Next Actions required to complete the Projects' desired Outcomes.

Meanwhile, with all due respect, even most Next Actions are unable to be literally being done in one Action
Rather, most Next Actions are done in consecutive micro-series of Next Actions, as GTD Next Actions expresses "What 'doing' looks like" (2nd edition, Appendix, pg. 306) and would humbly suggests that the subtle difference between Next Actions and one Action(s) might have sufficient imbedded friction for some to have Next Actions items List(s) on a the Next Action List(s) linger much longer than desired only to be further fooled in false success due to hitting the one Action(s) 'jackpot' enough to keep one shackled/trapped with a backlog of Next Actions?

Conclusion worthy of considering for crushing Next Action(s) backlog:
"What does 'doing' looks like" and "Project Outcome" thinking for Next Actions as well?

In Practice:
Emptying, Emptying, Emptying,. . . . > Emptied

Filling, Filling, Filling,. . . . > Filled

Other examples:
Arriving, Arriving, Arriving,. . . . > Arrived

Cleaning, Cleaning, Cleaning,. . . . > Cleaned

Coding, Coding, Coding,. . . . > Coded

Fixing, Fixing, Fixing,. . . . > Fixed

Editing, Editing, Editing,. . . . > Edited

Listening, Listening, Listening,. . . . > Listened

Scrubbing, Scrubbing, Scrubbing,. . . . > Scrubbed

Sorting, Sorting, Sorting,. . . . > Sorted

Washing, Washing, Washing,. . . . > Washed

Watching, Watching, Watching,. . . . > Watched

Writing, Writing, Writing,. . . . > Wrote

As David Allen has humorously expressed "You get the point"

Meanwhile, let's also remember to be easier on ourselves in remembering: most art is never actually completed . . . only abandoned

While the above is subject to further editing, meanwhile, 'Nothing' More . . . 'Nothing' Less

Thank you very much for you GTD post

As you see GTD fit

*Here - clicked 4 threads to find the thread*


Where it was user @DKPhoto who gave me other type of A4 print out summary to use (which did end up using.


For some reason I see that the originally image I upload of this on fourm in no longer visible (when first posted it)
This is first time myself looking back on that thread and see that image looks like [what show print screen off -no longer a image]

Why is this? Can I get staff to help @John Forrister - are other users on website having same issue?

May be an image of clarinet, oboe, harp and text

see this image upload from FB
I completed the task wrote previous message
Used my fathers printer when he was away from house - to print off the type of super condensed summary wrote above ...

and this was Q to also look for initial user who gave me other summary (one the other side of A4 sheet shown this picture in wallet - don't have it in mind which thread it was?"

@TimBourne ,

You kindly remind me that it could be an appropriate GTD best practice to respectfully ask/request permission before using/moving/touching anyone else's 'tools' . . . or, at least, . . . ask for forgiveness for doing so because the person was unavailable after having had to try calling and that it was an 'unexpected emergency'

Whew . . . you saved me from getting into 'trouble'/''hot waters' again . . . thank you very much

Thank you and as you see GTD fit
@TimBourne ,

You kindly remind me that it could be an appropriate GTD best practice to respectfully ask/request permission before using/moving/touching anyone else's 'tools' . . . or, at least, . . . ask for forgiveness for doing so because the person was unavailable after having had to try calling and that it was an 'unexpected emergency'

Whew . . . you saved me from getting into 'trouble'/''hot waters' again . . . thank you very much

Thank you and as you see GTD fit

What did you think - that , about that I decided to print out your quoted text - which I thought should really in theory be useful to look over regularly? and that I was referencing the details of it about it - about PCs because I fee like with text editors, documents don't have best organization system digitally.

respectfully ask/request permission before using/moving/touching anyone else's 'tools'" But myself writing this have actually had things possession destroyed/taken and things which I owned moved from me.

"Whew . . . you saved me from getting into 'trouble'/''hot waters' again . " I don't understand this sentence/writing." s
What did you think - that , about that I decided to print out your quoted text - which I thought should really in theory be useful to look over regularly? and that I was referencing the details of it about it - about PCs because I fee like with text editors, documents don't have best organization system digitally.

respectfully ask/request permission before using/moving/touching anyone else's 'tools'" But myself writing this have actually had things possession destroyed/taken and things which I owned moved from me.

"Whew . . . you saved me from getting into 'trouble'/''hot waters' again . " I don't understand this sentence/writing." s

Just sharing a reminder to myself that "Tools" and the their location can be very personal

All good

As you see GTD fit

Just sharing a reminder to myself that "Tools" and the their location can be very personal

All good

As you see GTD fit
"your saying that you weren't sure if that was worth for myself to do?"

When you posted that writing - I was thinking to myself that I don't actually fully understand it " S ?
"your saying that you weren't sure if that was worth for myself to do?"

When you posted that writing - I was thinking to myself that I don't actually fully understand it " S ?

Simply saying for my understanding:

I don't touch anyone else property without their permission

Permission can be Written or Verbal depending on the relationship or past experience with them
As one can see . . . potential problems . . . so I just prefer to do without using anyone else property

Good job for asking

As you see GTD fit
Last edited:

Simply saying for my understanding:

I don't touch anyone else property without their permission

Permission can be Written or Verbal depending on the relationship or past experience with them
As one can see . . . potential problems . . . so I just prefer to do without using anyone else property

Good job for asking

As you see GTD fit
"I agree with what you are saying here.

My father allows me to use his printer.

STN "s

"I was saying I don't understand that writing in the original quoted text from yourself which printed out"
"I agree with what you are saying here.

My father allows me to use his printer.

STN "s

"I was saying I don't understand that writing in the original quoted text from yourself which printed out"



"I was saying I don't understand that writing in the original quoted text from yourself which printed out"
Mr. TimBourne,

Agree with Mrs. Polifax, who makes good supportive GTD sense

Like GTD, many new worthwhile combination habits requires patience and perseverance . . . for everyone seeking improvement through change . . . especially patience with oneself

As you see your GTD fit and allow it to change whenever it can be better . . . its 'all' part of the GTD journey?

In the hope of saving you and others some time-&-effort, the following is an imperfect understanding of practicing GTD:

1. C A P T U R E [Writing with Pen/Paper without 'instrument friction' or thinking about the writing while writing is preferred on this end]

2. P R O C E S S
(As a whole, perhaps one can say that GTD is an 'Extrinsic Methodological Process System' for Full-Things be Full and Empty Things be Empty?)

Thus, a possible GTD Practice from the above superficial perspective:
Thought(s) Emptied from Memory > Thoughts Fully Written on Paper stored in trusted ubiquitous place like a 'Wallet' when moving about
Empty 'Wallet' of Written Thoughts to an Empty as much as possible Inbox
Empty currently 'Filled' Inbox by Filling Project(s) List(s), Calendar List(s), Context List(s), Reference(s), etc.]
Above makes Calendar List(s) and Context List(s) as emptying Predefined Doing List(s) is what makes emptying Project(s) List(s) GTD possible

3. O R G A N I Z E [Finding without thinking is a favorite Organize success on this end]

4. R E F L E C T [In addition to Weekly Review; 'Review' as much as necessary Project(s) List(s), Calendar List(s), Context List(s), etc.]

5. E N A G A G E [Appropriately as possible without Excess-or-Defect . . . Smaller Uncertain Engagements facilitate Prompt Mistake Recovery?]
Pre-Defined and ad Hoc 'Work': Do what you can, while you can, when you can, for as long as you can

All GTD disagreements most GTD welcomed

As the GTD journey demands, the above is not cast in stone and therefore subject to further subjective to GTD editing Thank you very much

As you see GTD fit
"ITM from this post

here using some terms which I haven't yet tried such as projects lists, context L, the engage step ... etc ? STN

See Page 304 for Contexts
See Page 307 for Projects


See Page 311 for engaging
See Page 313 for lists

Good job

As you see GTD fit

Dear GTDSTudente


This picture - shows how I left my in trays with papers in my room since made original thread showing at start here (which all a certain amount not 100 % illegible (readable) with handwriting anymore.

This 2nd picture of a plastic box coloured plastic box - shows something I got out yesterday and put things from in my room. This enough for a "in box?" My mother said - I said idea why don't get better inbox and thought didn't need one?

I have it in my mind @gtdstudente - said the thing that I should really try to focus on making my posts concise (e.g. less questions)
So can be better answered.

Something which occurred to myself is that I now: need read over X amount recent posts made this/last month - for the type questions wrote (which haven't been answered by other users basically) Is that negative? How should I improve.

By using a correct posting schedule on website? E.g. *

But when wrote that to persons @Mrs-Polifax before had it wrote something: yeah its good that should try post regular here (after wrote back to him after certain amount of in activity (e.g. a week on this site) - I have patterns/habits of activity.

*1 well a voice saying head there no correct exact answer? should just try to focus on quality/clarity because like what said before its about doing things with quality that matters most.

And voice saying in my head right now - I should make my next focus/tasked focused on E-mail ASAP after digital mind sweep Now :( "s