Small Pen


I know there's often talk about finding small pens (Fischer Space Pens etc.) I got this link on a gadget blog today. It looks like a pretty good option.

I use a PDA and stylus because I can rarely read my own handwriting. But, if I used a paper based system or a Hipster PDA I'd have to look into this.



I mentioned in another thread, the best tiny 'pen' I have found, is to use the refills from the tiny half-pens they sell in the dollar store for 5 for a dollar.
I just use the inner refill, not the pen, its about the size of a large toothpick.

Its only for short notes, as its so skinny. But its the perfect wallet pen for me.
I bought some of those fancy, tiny expensive pens, and they were all pain in the butt...literally...I could feel them in my wallet.
The refills also cost about $25 or something, and they had the wonderful distinction of the ink not working. The cheapo refills work perfectly everytime.

Anyone want to buy a tiny, fancy pen off me for $25?


Zebra Telescopic Pen

I use these.

The Zebra telescopic pen comes in a two-pack with two refills...quite handy. Closed, it won't come open in your pocket; opened, it writes just like a full-size pen.

Just don't lend it out or you may never see it again. My employer wants to put our company logo on one...they're about $4 for two pens.

Cheap, and worth it.