Solution for all that Reading


Throughout the day I find myself running into various pieces of information that I want to read. Emails with links to stories, pdf documents, articles in websites, etc. Sometimes I have the time to read in my computer and sometimes I find printing the material to take it home. Becaue all the information does not arrive in one form or into one inbox, when I had the time to review the information, I would have to navigate from email, to windows folder, to explorer bookmarks. Too time consuming....

Enter -fineprint- a print spooler tool that compiles the print jobs and helps you reduce paper. You can find it at for $40, but has a free trial period.

Fineprint helps me save the printjobs all into one file (I create one each day). If I have the time I review them without printing and if I don't have the time, I hit print and take the stack home for review.


PS: I have no affiliation to fineprint, other than a happy customer.


Another Option

I have a Tablet PC and do the same thing with Windows Journal. I just print to "Journal Note Writer" and file it in a folder called "Read and Review". I also use it when I order online and want to "print" receipts until I get the confirmation email or the order comes in.

If I end up needing to print something, I still can without any trouble. Also, it lets me mark up the document with "ink" for notes/highlights/etc when I'm saving something for project support.



Similar, but more cumbersome, I print "to be read" stuff to PDF file - and stash in a folder to read in deadtime.