Struggling with GTD - Lack of Apps/Tools I like

Concern towards your approach towards GTD (not your approach when using GTD)

theilluminated;93303 said:
I decided to get the Macbook Air early next year before my graphics study kicks in. Buying it earlier is not an option, but I will use OmniFocus when I get it. Meanwhile I am doing what I can to reduce clutter in my current system. For instance I have several email accounts, but now I have fully migrated over to iCloud where I got a new account. The old email will either be migrated, deleted or printed for reference. Same goes with contacts and everything else.

My concern is regarding what is highlighted in bold. Your approach *may* be one of clearing up the old stuff to start on GTD - that is an issue because GTD can be used to clear up the old stuff.

And, the migration and clearing up old emails or databases is a project rather than a necessity to get out of the way "to start gtd".

theilluminated;93303 said:
Adding or creating a personal system (GTD) will always require some effort to maintain. If clutter is already reduced in other areas of your life (several email accounts etc) the process will be more streamlined and there will be less to fight about. Right now I have accounts on many other systems (Evernote for example) and I will delete all my accounts, leaving only what I need.

That's what scares me right there. Use the control dimension of GTD to answer questions such as, is it actionable, does it need to be incubated, or is it just reference material nice to have?"

+ there's also the option of not having all your data in one place and losing precious data from years and years and investing into one platform only. Personally, I get bored with the same software over and over again so it is nice to have different softwares/places to go online for different things. As much evernote wants to be my digital storage place, my file folders in "documents" are going to be one step ahead of evernote.
My concern is regarding what is highlighted in bold. Your approach *may* be one of clearing up the old stuff to start on GTD - that is an issue because GTD can be used to clear up the old stuff.

And, the migration and clearing up old emails or databases is a project rather than a necessity to get out of the way "to start gtd".

I agree. GTD is a wonderful way to plan that sort of thing, but I might not have emphasized enough that I am doing a "light-weight" GTD approach until I get my new system. I'm not throwing the baby with the bathwater, but I understand your concern.

That's what scares me right there. Use the control dimension of GTD to answer questions such as, is it actionable, does it need to be incubated, or is it just reference material nice to have?"

+ there's also the option of not having all your data in one place and losing precious data from years and years and investing into one platform only. Personally, I get bored with the same software over and over again so it is nice to have different softwares/places to go online for different things. As much evernote wants to be my digital storage place, my file folders in "documents" are going to be one step ahead of evernote.

I'm already pretty good at throwing things away in general, except for things at my computer because it does not take any physical space. Generally reducing my tolerance level for that has made my life easier.

Many people are sceptical about cloud hosting, and I agree especially concerning with free solutions. However this is an issue no matter if you host things yourself or not. Apple has a better backup plan than I do and more experience. Things that are extremely important will be backed up in more than one place, but few things are extremely important to me in that way.

I love sticking with programs I know, knowing the ins and outs of it. Before there was a lust to try out new things whereas now it is a hassle, I got other things I'd rather spend my time on.

After my "light-weight" GTD system I want to have a fully synchronized system, which is why I am doing what I am. Full synchronization is extremely annoying the more applications and vendors you get software or hosting from. The light weight approach already gives me that synchronization actually (except physical folders that I don't bring everywhere). The issue is workload whereas the current system won't suffice if I try too many projects at once.
Use Outlook for work e-mail only.

Have an iPad next to your PC. Add an Apple wireless keyboard for speed and ease.

Get Omnifocus for your iPad and iPhone, and have them Synch in the clouds. Don't put sensitive numbers or information in OF or in e-mail messages.

See current thread for iPad GTD use.
