Things 3 and GTD

OK, for lack of a Things forum, I created one. Come play:
A place for discussing all things Things. ;-)
Join the discussion and if you are true and good, we'll add you to a Shared Google Drive (aka One) folder (upon request) where you can give and take freely.​
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As a long-time but sporadic Things user, I purchased the upgrade for the desktop, iPhone and iPad versions. It was super easy to migrate from Things 2. I too was disappointed at first and felt a bit lost. This morning I gave it another look and came up with what I think will work for me. It's very similar to how I have been using Evernote for GTD. I have areas (work, personal, etc) with projects listed under them. Then I created a new area for each context (computer, home, waiting for, etc) and this is where all the next actions go. It's clean and simple. I use the notes section in the project for noting key info and a little update about the project's status. I can move actions into the Today list, and I really like that I can also see calendar items from iCal there.

Sorry for bumping an old thread - but are you still using things w/ GTD? If so, do you have a photo of you have set it up? Just trying to get some ideas. Thank you!
I still periodically use Things 3. But currently I've set up my GTD in Evernote. The GTD Guide is really helpful, but I've also recently implemented Stacey Harmon's EverDone system. She's certified with Evernote and also a huge GTD fan, and her system is incredibly well-thought out.
I still periodically use Things 3. But currently I've set up my GTD in Evernote. The GTD Guide is really helpful, but I've also recently implemented Stacey Harmon's EverDone system. She's certified with Evernote and also a huge GTD fan, and her system is incredibly well-thought out.

Hi photodiva - just wondering if you're still using Stacey Harmon's EverDone and if it was of value to you?

Hi photodiva - just wondering if you're still using Stacey Harmon's EverDone and if it was of value to you?

Hi Ben! I am still using EverDone -- it's really pretty brilliant! There is also a lot of support on Stacey's FB group, and she offers lots of FB live sessions. She also did a series of videos that now are available to EverDone users, which really is helpful.